Sunday, July 31, 2011

Birthday Music Releases

SO! I've been neglecting this blog but I never said I would be good at it.

But it was my birthday yesterday so I released an album and an e.p!

The album is melancholy synth pop done with two Gameboys, a floor tom and vocals. For the album I go by the moniker A art and the album is self-titled. It is free on my bandcamp and you can say hi to me on farcebook if you like. Below is the album art I made.

The e.p I released is a sequel to my first ever chip music release and is titled "Another Unlikely Hero: II". It is all done with a single Gameboy as I was attempting to expand my knowledge and skill using the Gameboy music tracker LSDJ. It was released on the new and prolific label known as Pxl-Bot, which I was really happy about. The guys at Pxl-Bot are awesome dudes and there have been some great releases on there so I am proud to be up there with them. My moniker for this is my usual chip name which is FuturNari. Below is the album art I made for it.

Thanks for reading/listening!